Media Release Child's Name * First Name Last Name Photographs & other Media * Photographs & video may be taken while your child attends Adventure Wings Play Camp. It is at parent/guardian discretion which of these photos can be shared either via public social media or other more local means (crafts, family communication, or personal distribution for example) Please designate you preference below for the following means of media. Onsite Craft Projects Yes No Weekly Group Photos 5x6 photograph to go home with group of attending campers each week Yes No Shared via communication app Brightwheel Yes No Promotional Material (flyers, business cards) (online not included) Yes No Online: Public Business Website/Facebook Yes No Online: General Social Media Sites i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Yes No By typing your full name below you understand it is your responsibility to update this form if you wish to retract permission in any category listed above. You understand that permission is given for the entire period of your child's enrollment unless the form is updated. First Name Last Name Thank you!