Adventure Wings Play Camp

About Us…

At Adventure Wings Play Camp we aim to provide a play based engaging summer experience for children entering Kindergarten through Grade 5. We are a fully outdoor camp utilizing nature and the outdoors in our adventures. Our home base is North Seatac Park but we will explore the surrounding parks including North Seatac Community Botanical gardens! We offer a healthy mix of camper-led free play and counselor led activities based on weekly themes. We will include community service projects and even a few field trips!

Learn more…

  • Our Summer Camp will run Monday-Friday through July & August 2024. With the exception of the 1st week (which will run July 1-3 - no camp Thursday or Friday)

    Camp will start at 8:30 and end at 4:00PM - a few extended day positions are available.

    Please see “our camps” section for details on themes

  • A deep dive into staff (counselors); who we are and why we do what we do.

  • Frequently asked questions about how to enroll.